Guidance – Modern Apprenticeships

Find the latest guidance for learning providers of Modern Apprenticeships.

Here we have guidance on how to register for and deliver Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland.

Register with Public Contracts Scotland

You need to register with Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) to deliver Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland. We publish the notices for learning provider and direct employer contracts here. You’ll get all the documents to help you register your interest and complete the process.

It's a good idea to set up notifications for invitations to bid for SDS Modern Apprenticeship contracts. This usually happens on a yearly basis.

To get learning provider updates from Skills Development Scotland (SDS), sign up to our emails. You'll find the sign-up at the end of the Learning Providers page on the SDS website.

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Complete the documents published on PCS

You’ll be asked to complete an Invitation to Tender (ITT) Response Document, Proposal and Volume Bid. There’s information on the Public Contracts Scotland website to help you complete your bid.

Confirm your approvals

You'll need to confirm you have approval from the awarding body and Sector Skills Council. You can find out your relevant body or council in the framework document for the Modern Apprenticeship you’re offering.

Contract offers for Modern Apprenticeships

Contract offers for delivering Modern Apprenticeships are issued before the new contract year. The contract year begins on 1 April. If you get a contract offer, here's how it works.

You'll get a standstill letter

The standstill letter lets you know the number of starts you’ve been awarded. You’ll also know what other providers have received. After the letter is issued, you have a 10-day standstill period. This is when you review the information.

Contract award offer

If you're awarded a contract, you’ll get a letter with a contract award offer to deliver Modern Apprenticeships.

Sign your contract

You should sign and return the contract to Skills Development Scotland (SDS). There are instructions in the contract award offer. You’ll then be assigned a Contract Executive from Skills Development Scotland.

People who'll support you

When you've returned your signed contract, you'll get support and advice from SDS colleagues. You'll be assigned:

1. Contract Executive

They'll get in touch once you have your award letter and explain the first steps to getting started. They'll also manage the delivery of the volumes and value of your contract.

2. Skills Investment Adviser (SIA)

Your Skills Investment Adviser will be your day-to-day contact and support you when you need it. They'll guide you through important documents about your delivery of the MA Programme. They'll discuss the role and responsibilities on the programme of:

They'll explain the policy and procedures of delivering the MA Programme. These are in:

  • the MA Specification document

  • the MA Conditions document

  • associated appendices and documents

See all Modern Apprenticeships Programme documents

3. Compliance Executive

They'll answer your questions and support you to stay compliant throughout your contract. They'll:

  • explain how to make claims and payments

  • ensure you've met the requirements in the MA Specification and Conditions

The Compliance Executive will carry out reviews throughout the year. These check that:

  • the claims submitted are supported by reliable evidence

  • the contracted service has taken place

4. Quality Assessor

Assessors lead on the process of quality assurance. It includes reviewing documents you’ll need to complete each year. It also includes, with notice, making visits to review your organisation’s progress.

The Work Based Learning Quality Assurance and Improvement Hub page is a useful resource. You'll find all you need on quality assurance for delivering the Modern Apprenticeship programme.

5. Equality support

If you have a question about equality and diversity please contact your SIA first. Or you may find what you need in our Equality guides and resources. If you still need to speak to a member of the equality team, please contact

Documents you'll need

Our Modern Apprenticeship Programme Rules page has all the documents you need for delivery.

Got any questions?

For more information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions for learning providers. Or you can call our SDS helpline on 0800 783 6000.



Modern Apprenticeships

Need more information about Modern Apprenticeships? Get an overview here and find useful resources and publications.


Your Modern Apprenticeship contract

You've got a contract and you know who'll be supporting you - what's next? We've got all the information and guidance to help you deliver it.

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