Learning Providers Modern Apprenticeships

Get useful guidance, find out how you'll deliver your contract and browse our resources


Deliver learning to Modern Apprentices

As a learning provider for Modern Apprenticeships, you:

  • could be a college, university or other learning provider

  • deliver training to individuals who are statutory school leaving age or older

  • can select from over 100 Modern Apprenticeships

  • work closely with apprentices and their employers to help progress their career


As a Modern Apprentice learning provider you'll:

  • have a contract with Skills Development Scotland (SDS)

  • access funding to help cover apprentice training costs

  • play a part in developing Scotland’s future workforce

  • build stronger bonds with employers in your community

  • get support from SDS during the whole journey

Search for publications

You can find apprenticeship frameworks, programme conditions, specifications and more which you'll need as a learning provider or employer.

Find useful resources

We've pulled together a toolkit of handy resources to use when you're promoting apprenticeships.

What Modern Apprenticeships are available?

There are over 100 types, or frameworks, of Modern Apprenticeship. Some examples are:

Frequently asked questions

Got any questions about Modern Apprenticeships? You might want to know:

See all FAQs and answers

Guidance for learning providers

Not at the contract stage yet? Read our guidance to get started as a learning provider of Modern Apprenticeships.


Your Modern Apprenticeship contract

You've got a contract and you know who'll be supporting you - what's next? We've got all the information and guidance to help you deliver it.

Contact us apprenticeships.scot 432 x 288

Get in touch

Need to chat to our team? Call our expert advisers on 0800 783 6000 with any questions about providing training for apprenticeships.