Activating your award
Every year, we award funding to learning providers for Graduate Apprenticeships (GA). Here’s what you need to do to prepare for your award activation.
Sign your funding award
You’ll get a funding award letter first of all. Sign and return this to Skills Development Scotland. There are instructions about how to do this in your letter.
Speak to your DDE
You'll be appointed one of our Development and Delivery Executives (DDE). They'll guide you through the process for delivering a Graduate Apprenticeship award.
Access FIPS
You’ll need to get a Funding and Information Processing System (FIPS) Licence Agreement. You'll then give details of delegated authorities who need access to FIPS. Check out the FIPS videos and how-to guides.
Prepare for recruitment
Develop a recruitment process and start-up activity. You'll need to provide regular recruitment updates to your Development and Delivery Executive.
Understand the programme conditions
Make sure your colleagues and employers know about their responsibilities in Information and FAQs for Learning Providers.

Documents and links
These are useful documents and links to guide you in activating your award.
Graduate Apprenticeships - Product Specification at SCQF Level 8 (PDF)
Graduate Apprenticeships - Product Specification at SCQF Level 10 (PDF)
Graduate Apprenticeships - Work-Based Learning Principles (PDF)
Graduate Apprenticeships - Information and FAQs for Learning Providers (PDF)
Funding Information and Processing System (FIPS) information on SDS website

Policy and guidance
You've activated your award - what next? Read guidance on how to deliver it.

About Graduate Apprenticeships
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