Policy and guidance – Graduate Apprenticeships
Stay up to date with the latest policy and guidance. It'll help you either start or continue to deliver fantastic training to Graduate Apprentices.

Funding Information and Processing System (FIPS)
FIPS is where you manage and claim payments for Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships. We've got a range of guides to steer you through the process.

Award activation
Every year, we award funding to learning providers for Graduate Apprenticeships. Here’s what you need to do to prepare for your award activation.
Starting up your Graduate Apprenticeship contract as a learning provider is an exciting time. Here's how it works.
Meet your Delivery and Development Executive (DDE)
Your DDE will visit you to talk about the programme requirements and answer any questions.
Complete the paperwork
Become familiar with how we keep track of contract compliance. Read the University Graduate Apprenticeship places guidance from the Scottish Funding Council for more details.
You’ll then need to register all your Graduate Apprentices and upload the supporting evidence via FIPS.
Check your courses are approved
Make sure all the relevant courses you offer are approved for Graduate Apprenticeship delivery. There are details of how to do this in the University Graduate Apprenticeship places guidance.

Preparing for an apprentice
Remember to work with your employers and add any vacancies you have on Apprenticeships.scot. Before posting, read the inclusive recruitment guides on the Employer Hub. These are full of handy tips on how to attract a diverse range of applicants.
Add vacancies
Add any vacancies you have on Apprenticeships.scot. It’s completely free and your vacancy will be posted on our vacancy searches. It could also be featured in our job alerts email or on our social media channels.
Start by signing in to your account now, or creating a new account.
Welcome your new apprentice
The big day is finally here! You could write to your new apprentices before they start, with useful information such as:
the company dress policy
what to expect on their first day
who'll be there to meet them
Step 4 of the Inclusive Recruitment Guides on the Employer Hub can help ease first-day nerves for new apprentices. The guide tells you even more about what to do on their first day to help them settle in.
Provide funding and support information
Ask your apprentice if they need any further support, funding or equipment to do their training. If they do, they can apply for support with Access to Work funds through Jobcentre Plus.
Step 5 of the Inclusive Recruitment guides on the Employer Hub is a short guide to help new apprentices. It gives more information about support and funding available.

About Graduate Apprenticeships
Need more information about Graduate Apprenticeships? Get an overview here and find useful support.

Search publications
Find essential documents in our Publications area to support you as an apprentice employer or learning provider.
You can browse for apprenticeship frameworks, programme conditions, specifications, exemplars and more.