Apprentice stories RossModern Apprentice

Customer Service

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Ross Henderson is loving life as ScotRail’s first deaf Modern Apprentice.

A young man in glasses, wearing a high-vis jacket stands in front of stairs

Ross's journey

As someone who prefers a practical style of learning, Ross did not thrive at school. He sat some National 4s then found himself standing at a career crossroads.

The 20-year-old went on to attend Project Search. This internship programme helps young people with additional support needs get work experience. Ross sampled several industries but none of them were right for him. Ross found his ideal career while browsing with his mum and dad. He applied for a Customer Service Modern Apprenticeship at ScotRail and has not looked back since.

Ross's apprenticeship

As ScotRail’s first deaf apprentice, Ross has already made a lasting impact. ScotRail's Workforce Development Manager, Margaret Mellon, has noted an incremental growth in Ross's development since he started his 18-month Modern Apprenticeship.

The former Westhill Academy pupil mainly sells tickets and helps people reach their destination safely. Ross loves interacting with passengers around the station and dealing with a wide range of people.

Having suffered from bullying as a child, Ross’s Modern Apprenticeship boosted his confidence. He is now comfortable going for walks around his village – something he would not have done before.

A young man in a high-vis jacket operates a ticket barrier in a train station

Ross - what challenges do you face working in the railway station?

How did you find out about the apprenticeship?

Why did a Customer Service Modern Apprenticeship appeal to you?

I’m working bright and early tomorrow at 6AM but I can’t wait to come down and interact with the customers.


Modern Apprentice, Customer Service

Two ScotRail workers chat in front of an information point in a train station.

The future

Ross is 9 months into his Modern Apprenticeship and his career ambitions are clear. He wants to continue as a permanent gateline assistant with ScotRail at Aberdeen Station.

Aberdeenshire-based Ross has had fantastic support from his colleagues. They've always been on hand to answer question and give him useful tips. Thanks to their guidance, Ross is all aboard for a long career in the railway station.

He said: “My Modern Apprenticeship has shown me what it’s like. It’s proven to me that I can do the job."

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