Employers Foundation Apprenticeships
Work with S3-S6 pupils to help shape the next generation of talent

Support Scotland’s Foundation Apprentices
When you take on a Foundation Apprentice:
you'll work with a senior school student for 1 to 2 years
they're in the workplace 1 day a week
your existing staff can be coaches and mentors
you'll partner with a learning provider
you'll help young people gain recognised qualifications at SCQF Level 6
there are opportunities to help younger pupils gain a qualification at SCQF Level 4 or 5
Foundation Apprenticeships are ideal for employers because:
there’s no cost involved for your business
they help streamline your recruitment process
Skills Development Scotland gives you advice and guidance
new talent helps grow your business
Search for publications
You can find apprenticeship frameworks, programme conditions, specifications and more which you'll need as a learning provider or employer.
What Foundation Apprenticeships are available?
There are 15 types, or frameworks, of Foundation Apprenticeship. Some examples are:
Frequently asked questions
Got any questions about Foundation Apprenticeships? You might want to know:
There are 12 different Foundation Apprenticeships available to study at SCQF Level 6. That's the same level as a Higher. They include Business Skills, Engineering and Creative and Digital Media.
There are also 3 available at SCQF Level 4/5 at some schools as part of a pilot. That's the same level as a National 4 or National 5. They are Automotive, Construction and Hospitality.
A Foundation Apprenticeship takes 1 or 2 school years to complete. It depends on the SCQF level of the apprenticeship and how each school delivers it.
If a potential apprentice needs more information, they should have a chat with a guidance teacher or school careers adviser.
Foundation Apprentices are usually young people in S4 or S5 who are selecting their subject choices, so they find out about their options at school. Their teachers and careers advisers can support them and give them information.
Learning providers work with local authorities to raise awareness of Foundation Apprenticeships to teachers and promote the opportunities to learners and parents.
The learning provider works with the employer and provides an outline of what the learner must cover during the work placement.
This is verified by the learning provider assessor who carries out placement visits to the learner.

Get involved today
Which Foundation Apprenticeship would suit your business? Fill in our short form and we’ll help you get started.

Employer guidance and support
We’ve created guidance to help you recruit and take on a Foundation Apprentice.

Want to chat to our team?
Contact our specialist advisers online or call our employer helpline on 0800 783 6000.