Employer guidance

We want to support you as an employer to deliver more successful apprenticeships and increase the benefits to your organisation.

We've created these guidance resources with useful information, tips and procedures to help you and your apprentice to get the most out of the experience.



Foundation Apprenticeship guidance for employers

Find advice and guidance to help you as the employer, and the young person working as an apprentice, to get the best experience from their Foundation Apprenticeship. We cover everything from how you get involved to employee induction and how learning providers can support you.



Modern Apprenticeship guidance for employers

Find useful advice and information to help you welcome your Modern Apprentice and help them to develop. We've included a variety of topics from recruitment and selection to providing equipment and delivering feedback.



Graduate Apprenticeship guidance for employers

Find best practice and advice to help you support your employee on their Graduate Apprenticeship journey. We've covered everything from recruitment and induction to mentoring your apprentice and working with a learning provider.

How does the training work?

You’ll work with a learning provider to deliver the training part of the apprenticeship.

There are hundreds of approved, contracted providers across Scotland. They include colleges, universities and other private learning providers. We work with them to ensure they deliver high-quality training.

Find out about funding for apprentice training

Use our search tool to find an approved learning provider to deliver your apprenticeship.

Find a learning provider

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Qualifications and subjects

Scottish Apprenticeships are available at most SCQF levels. They start at Levels 4/5 and 6 (equal to National 4s, National 5s and Highers). The highest levels are Master’s Degree at SCQF Level 11 and Professional Apprenticeships at SCQF Levels 10 to 12.

There are more than 100 types of apprenticeship. Subjects range from from construction to digital media. Search our apprenticeship frameworks by job role or type to find the one which best suits your needs.

Search frameworks

An apprentice employer's role

  • Pay the apprentice’s salary, just like any other employee. You must pay at least the National Minimum Wage and we encourage all employers to pay at least the Living Wage.
  • Offer your apprentice the same working conditions as other employees in similar roles. This includes paid holidays, sick pay, benefits and support.
  • Work with the provider to develop a training approach for your apprentice. This details when and where training will take place and what it involves.
  • Continue to work with your apprentice and the learning provider throughout their apprenticeship. You should provide support, mentoring and development opportunities. This will help them to achieve their qualification.

Guide to adding vacancies

Do you need help with adding vacancies on Apprenticeships.scot?

Our handy guide for employers tells you how to get started and what details to add. There's a checklist, information on what happens next and useful links.

Read Employer guide to adding vacancies on Apprenticeships.scot

Questions to ask a learning provider

Delivering apprenticeships might be new to you. That's why you can benefit from an experienced provider guiding you through the process. We've gathered some questions you can ask to make sure a provider is able to support you.

Read questions to ask a learning provider

Apprenticeship Levy

What's the Apprenticeship Levy and how does it work? Get answers to your questions about the UK-wide levy.

Find out more about the Apprenticeship Levy

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Inclusive recruitment guides

Recruiting a more diverse workforce can lead to increased creativity and productivity. Being inclusive builds your reputation and attracts new staff and customers. We've created inclusive recruitment guides on the Employer Hub to help you recruit and keep employees.

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Mental health resource

We've created a resource with leading charity Penumbra to help you support your apprentices' mental health at work. There's expert information to help you create a positive culture where mental wellbeing is supported. Find advice, tips and practical planning tools.

Can we help you with anything else?

Still can't find what you're looking for? Get free advice from one of our expert advisers by calling 0800 783 6000.

Frequently asked questions

We've got answers to popular questions about what's involved in employing an apprentice.


Do you employ or are you thinking of employing an apprentice and have questions about what's involved?

Get in touch online and one of our expert advisers will be able to help you. Or call us on 0800 783 6000 if you'd like to speak to our team.

Publications and resources

Check out our library of publications that support employers. We've also got lots of resources to help you promote apprenticeships in your business.